Rules and Regulations

1. Parade assembly time 7:30 AM at the Capt. Weber Institute Parking Lot.

2. Equestrians must be ready to prejudging at 8:00 AM. on Parade Day. If not ready they will be judged ‘as is.’

3. No bareback riders will be accepted, unless approved by the parade committee.

4. “Junior” units are ages six through thirteen.

5. “Senior” units are ages fourteen and over.

6. No discharging of firearms will be allowed nor music with profanity. This is a family event.

7. For safety reasons, all living things and vehicles must be secured.

8. Units must complete the entire parade route or be disqualified.

9. Parade: a forward motion parade. Entries shall not stop. Violators shall be penalized and/or disqualified by Judges.

10. A distance of twenty-five feet must be (no more or no less) maintained for spacing between entries.

11. All parade marshalls and officials must be obeyed.

12. Any time a unit is pulled off the parade route, it is to remain there until the end of parade.

13. All vehicles and floats must be decorated with fire retardant materials.

14. All vehicles must carry appropriate insurance as requires by the law.

15. Entries are prohibited from throwing/distributing any items from the vehicle.

16. All music must be “G” rated.

17. No side show activities and all car doors must stay closed.

18. Failure to comply with all rules may be cited by the City of Stockton Police Department and/or disqualification by parade authorities.